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Intern Manager



Manager Application Support

and Configuration 

1. Overall, how would you describe the experience overseeing a Pathways youth intern at your organization?

The experience was overwhelmingly positive and very beneficial to our organization. Pathways students are always eager to learn and have a lot to contribute to our team. 


2. What were the most positive experiences of hosting this internship? What made it successful?

The students’ enthusiasm and appreciation is very rewarding. They face every challenge with a positive attitude and are clearly here to learn from the experience, taking part in as many opportunities as we’re able to provide. As an organization, we’re dedicated to creating these meaningful opportunities for our students by creating an immersive experience for them.


3. What were some learning opportunities for both you as a manager, as well as the


I’ve learned that providing meaningful and purposeful work for an intern requires preparation. The students are here to absorb as much as they can, so it’s important to create opportunities that will expose them to different departments and roles within the organization. This way, interns can walk away with skills in areas that may not necessarily be related to their field, but will serve them well in their future careers. They also get to experience a ‘real life’ view of the challenges and responsibilities that go into working in an organization, which in itself is a valuable experience.


4. What advice would you offer to someone looking to oversee/manage an intern?

Planning is key. The internship program is a balance between providing meaningful work for the student, while at the same time meeting the organization’s needs. Prepare what projects they’ll be working on in advance – they’ll finish them more quickly than you expect! 


5. Would you do anything differently, if you were to do it again?

It’s important to keep open lines of communication; scheduled check-ins are beneficial to both the student and their manager. This provides an opportunity to address any issues early on, and identify new opportunities that the intern may be interested in.


6. Where does support come from at your organization for Pathways internships? Who are the champions, and how do they help facilitate internships?

Support comes from all levels of the organization. Everyone who is involved in the program plays an active role in the students’ success and are very proud to be part of it.

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